Search Improvements

Search improvements

One of the heaviest and least performing operations in a store's navigation is its search. To improve the experience, we can also optimize the search for data and make it more efficient, in this sense two points must be observed: the SKUs and the price


  1. To optimize the search context, add the context property to the search template in the store/blocks/search.jsonc file:

    // store / blocks / search.jsonc
      "": {
    + "props": {
    + "context": {}
        "blocks": ["search-result-layout # search"]
  2. To guarantee reduction of loaded results and, therefore, reduce the volume of results. It is possible to control that only the first available SKU is returned, for this, add skusFilter to context as FIRST_AVAILABLE:

      "": {
        "props": {
          "context": {
    + "skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE"
        "blocks": ["search-result-layout # search"]
  3. To make prices more cacheable and avoid simulating them for each search result obtained, we can also choose skip assimulationBehavior:

      "": {
        "props": {
          "context": {
            "skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE"
    + "simulationBehavior": "skip"
        "blocks": ["search-result-layout # search"]

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