Using events as triggers

Using events as triggers


With the Analytics client implemented, we want to use the Events as trigger to the requests. This means that, for every event listened, we want to perform a request to the Analytics app. So, for every X seconds, we will have a new data on Live Products.


In VTEX IO, events are often used as triggers to other actions, such as sending e-mails to the final client. To implement this, we need to configure our app's client and event handler.

Using an event as trigger to perform a request

  1. As the Analytics client is implemented, we just need to use it in the event handler. First, in the node/event/liveUsersUpdate.ts file, import the client we implemented in the previous step:

    import { Clients } from '../clients/index'
  2. Now, we need to use the EventContext that we already configured before. Import it by updating the method. You can do so like this:

    import { Clients } from './../clients/index'
    +import { EventContext } from '@vtex/api'
    +export async function updateLiveUsers(ctx: EventContext<Clients>) {

    Note: you can also globally declare your event context in the index.ts file. If you do so, you don't need to import in every file you want to use it.

  3. Now, to use the Analytics client, do the following:

    export async function updateLiveUsers(ctx: EventContext<Clients>) {
    +  const liveUsersProducts = await
    +  console.log('LIVE USERS: ', liveUsersProducts)
    +  return true
  4. Finally, run vtex link, and for every event fired, you should see the live users retrieved from the Analytics.

    The result should be like this:

Any questions?

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