Importing Clients from VTEX package

Importing a Client into your application


In this step, you will learn how to search for ready-made Clients that abstract the Core Commerce APIs, as well as how to import them into your app on VTEX IO. We will import the Client Catalog which will allow us to search for details about an SKU within the VTEX platform.


Clients, in VTEX IO, are abstractions for external services and are used natively to make external requests in backend services. You can read a little about them here.

VTEX IO Commerce Clients

The Commerce Clients package is a Typescript library that offers several clients already configured for access VTEX Core Commerce APIs. To use it in your app, just install it in the node/ folder running:

yarn add @vtex/clients

Custom Clients

If you don't find the Client you want for a Core Commerce service from VTEX, we recommend that you send a Pull Request to the commerce-clients repository. We will be happy to review and eventually dive into your contribution.

But, if the service you are trying to access is an external provider (ex: Here Maps API), we recommend that you create Client in your own app by following these steps.


  1. We will now import a Client from the Catalog module into our app. After you have cloned the boilerplate app, open the app code that was downloaded in the service-example folder in your editor.

  2. As the Client that we will use is offered in the Commerce Clients package, we will perform the installation. Inside the node folder, run the following command:

yarn add @vtex/clients

  1. Now that the package has been installed, we need to configure Client to use it in the resolvers and middlewares of our app. For that, we need you to open the file node/clients/index.ts in your editor.

  2. Import the Client Catalog from the@vtex/clients library.

  3. Add the getter catalog, similar to the method above in the Clients class.

+    import { Catalog } from '@vtex/clients'
+    public get catalog() {
+      return this.getOrSet('catalog', Catalog)
+    }

Done! Now, any of the resolver GraphQL or middlewares service functions can use this Client via ctx.clients.catalog. Because of Typescript, it is possible to have autocomplete of the methods and see details of the types needed in the parameters.

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