Flex layout

Flex Layout: create layouts using the power of Flexbox


Flex Layout is a layout structuring paradigm created in the Store Framework to allow the construction of complex layouts. This paradigm uses the concept of rows and columns to define the desired structure and positioning of the blocks on a given page.

There are two basic building blocks of each Flex Layout:

  • flex-layout.row
  • flex-layout.col

If you are already familiar with Flexbox used in CSS, Flex Layout should be simple to understand, since Flexbox is being used "behind the scenes" by flex-layout.row and flex-layout.col.

Flex Layout

With Flex Layout, it is possible to create custom layouts, using the Flexbox line and column structure.

Looking at the block's documentation, we see that you can use an array of blocks like Flex Layout's children. In addition, you should always use flex-layout.row andflex-layout.col, NEVER flex-layout in isolation.

Below is an example of a flex layout composed of a flex-layout.row with two children: an info-card and a rich-text:

    "children": [

 "info-card#rethink": {
    "props": {
      "imageUrl": "https://appliancetheme.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/utensilios-cozinha-min.png",
      "isFullModeStyle": true,
      "headline": "Time to rethink your kitchen",
      "callToActionText": "Discover",
      "textPosition": "center"

  "rich-text#deletar": {
    "props": {
      "text": "I'll be deleted soon"


  1. Declare flex-layout.row within theblocks of the store.home template and declare the blocks proposed above in yourhome.jsonc file

  2. Change the children of flex-layout.row, replacing the rich-text block with a flex-layout.col column.

  3. Delete the rich-text block proposed above from your theme.

  4. Declare the flex-layout.col block in your home.jsonc file with two image components like children: image#electronics and image#major-appliance, in that order.

  5. Define the image blocks with the following props:

    "image#electronics": {
      "props": {
        "src": "https://appliancetheme.vteximg.com.br/assets/vtex.file-manager-graphql/images/electronics_banner___25d69b49f8224b369375e68513b4d593.png",
        "maxWidth": "100%"
    "image#major-appliance": {
      "props": {
        "src": "https://appliancetheme.vteximg.com.br/assets/vtex.file-manager-graphql/images/major_appliance_banner___bb10093866a127345ddfbcca3efa5022.png",
        "maxWidth": "100%"

The result should look like this:


Note: Remember to access the Flex Layout documentation if you have any questions during the activity.

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