Product page

Product page


Once the store's homepage is done, we can start working on a new store template: the product page. Product pages are probably the templates with the most blocks, which makes them extremely flexible and customizable.

Product Page

Let's build a minimal product page, with only the bare essentials:

  • images;
  • prices;
  • names;
  • buy button


Product blocks

Most product blocks, unlike content blocks, are inserted into a certain context, making them a little bit "plug-n-play": placing product-images on the product page will automatically lead to images being rendered on that page, the same being valid for price and name.

This doesn't mean that these blocks are less customizable, quite the opposite actually, as we'll soon see.


Build a product page using the following blocks in product.jsonc and declare it in the store/blocks folder: product-images, product-price, product-name and buy-button. We expect the structure to contain the following:

  1. A row in store.product;

      "store.product": {
        "children": ["flex-layout.row#main"]
  2. That row should have two columns;

    "flex-layout.row#main": {
      "props": {
        "marginTop": 6
      "children": [
  3. The left column must contain a product-images;

    "flex-layout.col#left": {
      "children": [
  4. The right column must contain the product-name, product-price and buy-button:

      "flex-layout.col#right": {
        "children": [

In addition, we want:

  1. the right column to be vertically aligned to the center (see the verticalAlign and preventVerticalStretch props in the Flex Layout Column documentation):

      "flex-layout.col#right": {
        "props": {
          "preventVerticalStretch": true,
          "verticalAlign": "middle"
        "children": [
  2. the product-price to show the total savings and list price (showSavings and showListPrice):

      "product-price": {
        "props": {
          "showSavings": true,
          "showListPrice": true

After finishing the previous steps, you can search for a product in the search bar, on the top right of the page.


If you are on appliancetheme account, try searching for a coffee machine, for example:

When clicking on the second one, the Red Retro Coffee Maker, you'll go to its product page, and you can see the blocks on it.


Note: Some of the products will not have the savings, since there are no discounts based on the list price.

Note: Remember to access the Product Images, Product Price, Product Name and Buy Button documentation in case you have any questions during your activity.

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