Info Card: Store Framework's call to action

Info Card: Store Framework's call to action


A store needs a good home page to engage users, increasing session time and therefore conversion chances. To achieve this, several elements need to be used, such as promotional banners, shelves with highlights, material about the store, etc.

We have created the next block on the home page using a call to action. In Store Framework, we have a block designed for this purpose, called Info Card.

Starting out with Info Card


Using the Info Card, you can create images which have links and buttons (top or side of the block) that direct the user's flow (Call to action).

Looking at the documentation, we can see that:

  • isFullModeStyle defines whether the Call to Action (CTA) is set above the banner;
  • textPosition defines the position of the text;
  • textAlignment defines the text's alignment;
  • imageUrl defines which image will be used as banner;
  • headline determines which text will be used as headline;
  • callToActionMode allows to choose the CTA mode as either a link or a button;
  • callToActionText defines the CTA text;
  • callToActionUrl determines the URL to which it redirects;

We therefore have the following props:

  "store.home": {
    "blocks": ["rich-text", "info-card"]
  "rich-text": {
    "props": {
      "text": "*Hello, World!*",
      "textPosition": "RIGHT"
  "info-card": {
    "props": {
      "isFullModeStyle": false,
      "textPosition": "right",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "headline": "Vintage Pink",
      "subhead": "Give your kitchen a boho style adding vintage apparels.<br>Available until January 2020.",
      "callToActionMode": "button",
      "callToActionText": "Explore",
      "callToActionUrl": "/sale/d",
      "textAlignment": "center"

Instancing blocks

You may have asked yourself:

"What if I wanted to have two different Info Cards?"

It's possible through block instancing.

All block have pre-established names, but you can create block instances and define different ways in which the block types appear. After each block has been defined, simply place an '#' with an arbitrary name that makes, for example:

    "store.home": {
      "blocks": [
    "info-card#button-right": {
      "props": {
        "isFullModeStyle": false,
        "textPosition": "right",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "headline": "Vintage Pink",
        "subhead": "Give your kitchen a boho style adding vintage apparels.<br>Available until January 2020.",
        "callToActionMode": "button",
        "callToActionText": "Explore",
        "callToActionUrl": "/sale/d",
        "textAlignment": "center"


  1. In the home.jsonc file, based on the code above, create the info-card#button-left right under the info card: info-card#button-right. This new info card must implement the following props:

    • The title must be Shining chrome
    • A link type call-to-action with the following text instead of a button: Go to Collection
    • The following image
    • The following subtitle Give your kitchen a cool style adding warm metallic finishes.<br>Available until January 2020.
    • Text to the left of the image (textPosition).
      "info-card#button-left": {
        "props": {
        "isFullModeStyle": false,
        "textPosition": "left",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "headline": "Shining chrome",
        "subhead": "Give your kitchen a cool style adding warm metallic finishes.<br>Available until January 2020.",
        "callToActionMode": "link",
        "callToActionText": "Go to collection",
        "textAlignment": "center"

The expected result will look similar to this:


Note: Remember to access the Info Card documentation if you have any questions regarding the activity.

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