Making your store unique
In order to introduce developers to how to build custom apps in VTEX IO, this course was launched. It goes through all the necessary steps to have a custom block in a theme that uses React, Typescript, and GraphQL.
About this course
This course will guide you through learning how to develop a custom app with VTEX IO. At the end of it, you will have a fully functional app, which is a countdown block for your store.
There are some prerequisities for you to have an amazing experience when doing this tutorial, which are:
- Knowledge on React and how to use hooks
- Basic concepts on GraphQL
- Understand how to develop using Typescript
If you are not familiar with any of those tools, we encourage you to take a look in some documentation:
In order for you to start the course, you can use the template repository that we provide will all the initial files that you need to have so you can get started. You will find the repository in this link.
If you do not quite understand how to use a template repository, you can check this article.
Help us make this content better!
VTEX IO courses are open source. If you see something wrong, you can open a pull request!
Make a contributionUpdated 11 months ago