Answersheet to 'Linking an app and using it on a store's theme'

// store-block/react/Countdown.tsx
import React from 'react'

interface CountdownProps {}

const Countdown: StorefrontFunctionComponent<CountdownProps> = ({}) => {
  return (
      <h1>Teste Countdown</h1>

Countdown.schema = {
  title: 'editor.countdown.title',
  description: 'editor.countdown.description',
  type: 'object',
  properties: {},

export default Countdown
// store-theme/store/blocks/home/home.jsonc
  "store.home": {
    "blocks": [

  "shelf#home": {
    "blocks": ["product-summary.shelf"]

  "list-context.image-list#demo": {
    "children": ["slider-layout#demo-images"],
    "props": {
      "height": 720,
      "images": [
          "image": "",
          "mobileImage": ""
          "image": "",
          "mobileImage": ""
  "slider-layout#demo-images": {
    "props": {
      "itemsPerPage": {
        "desktop": 1,
        "tablet": 1,
        "phone": 1
      "infinite": true,
      "showNavigationArrows": "desktopOnly",
      "blockClass": "carousel"

  "rich-text#shelf-title": {
    "props": {
      "text": "## Summer",
      "blockClass": "shelfTitle"
  "flex-layout.row#shelf": {
    "children": ["list-context.product-list#demo1"]
  "list-context.product-list#demo1": {
    "blocks": ["product-summary.shelf"],
    "children": ["slider-layout#demo-products"],
    "props": {
      "orderBy": "OrderByTopSaleDESC"
  "slider-layout#demo-products": {
    "props": {
      "itemsPerPage": {
        "desktop": 5,
        "tablet": 3,
        "phone": 1
      "infinite": true,
      "fullWidth": true,
      "blockClass": "shelf"

  "info-card#home": {
    "props": {
      "id": "info-card-home",
      "isFullModeStyle": false,
      "textPosition": "left",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "headline": "Clearance Sale",
      "callToActionText": "DISCOVER",
      "callToActionUrl": "/sale/d",
      "blockClass": "info-card-home",
      "textAlignment": "center"

  "rich-text#question": {
    "props": {
      "text": "**This is an example store built using the VTEX platform.\nWant to know more?**",
      "blockClass": "question"

  "rich-text#link": {
    "props": {
      "text": "\n**Reach us at**\",
      "blockClass": "link"
// store-theme/manifest.json
  "vendor": "vtex",
  "name": "store-theme",
  "version": "3.30.1",
  "builders": {
    "styles": "2.x",
    "store": "0.x",
    "sitemap": "0.x",
    "docs": "0.x"
  "mustUpdateAt": "2018-09-05",
  "scripts": {
    "postreleasy": "vtex publish --verbose"
  "dependencies": {
    "": "2.x",
    "": "2.x",
    "vtex.product-summary": "2.x",
    "": "2.x",
    "": "3.x",
    "vtex.styleguide": "9.x",
    "vtex.slider": "0.x",
    "vtex.carousel": "2.x",
    "vtex.shelf": "1.x",
    "": "2.x",
    "vtex.minicart": "2.x",
    "vtex.product-details": "1.x",
    "vtex.product-kit": "1.x",
    "": "3.x",
    "vtex.login": "2.x",
    "": "1.x",
    "vtex.flex-layout": "0.x",
    "": "0.x",
    "": "0.x",
    "vtex.locale-switcher": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-quantity": "1.x",
    "vtex.product-identifier": "0.x",
    "vtex.breadcrumb": "1.x",
    "vtex.sticky-layout": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-customizer": "2.x",
    "vtex.stack-layout": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-specification-badges": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-review-interfaces": "1.x",
    "vtex.telemarketing": "2.x",
    "vtex.order-placed": "1.x",
    "vtex.checkout-summary": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-list": "0.x",
    "vtex.add-to-cart-button": "0.x",
    "vtex.product-bookmark-interfaces": "1.x",
    "vtex.slider-layout": "0.x",
    "": "0.x",
    "": "0.x",
    "vtex.modal-layout": "0.x",
    "": "0.x",
    "vtex.countdown": "0.x"
  "$schema": ""

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